Term Life Insurance

Protection for only when you need it.

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What Is Term Life Insurance?

Term Life Insurance is one of the most affordable types of insurance and provides protection during the “term” during which you pay premiums for.

Term Life insurance may be the right fit for you if you are looking for:

  • Guaranteed coverage for a specific amount of time or to cover specific financial obligations
  • Affordability and payments guaranteed not to change
  • An addition to a work provided life insurance plan
  • Short-term coverage for debts or other needs
  • Provide for loss of income
  • Offer protection to help pay off a mortgage or college loans

Common Types of Term Life Insurance Include:

Basic Term Life: paid by your employer for a set period of time to provide your beneficiaries plenty financial support.

Supplemental Term Life: paid by you as the employee to allow you to purchase coverage as needed according to your situation in life.

Dependent Term Life: Provides coverage for your spouse, partner, or eligible children.

Mortgage Term Life: Provides funds to help pay a mortgage in the event of a premature death. The death benefit begins decreasing after 5 years of coverage, earning it the name “decreasing term” policy.

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